Now it’s time to learn some properties of UCS. If all the edge costs are positive, and if the nodes are finite, then UCS is complete. Similarly to BFS, UCS is also optimal. First, let’s assume the given graph is a tree and:

  • Branching factor is B
  • The cost of the optimal solution is C
  • Every step cost at least e

The time complexity of UCS is the number of nodes whose g(n) < our desired node’s g(n) which is the number of nodes we will explore before we find the solution node. So, in the worst case, time complexity will be The space complexity of UCS is also, in the worst case, the number of nodes whose g(n) < our desired node’s g(n). So, it’s similar to the time complexity.

As we can see above, UCS is very similar to BFS except it works well on all non-negative edge graphs. So it shares many problems with BFS such as memory space problem.

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