Properties of A-search
After learning how A-search works, let’s learn some properties of it. As usual, let’s assume that:
- Branching factor is
- The depth of the solution is
- The maximum depth of the tree is
Like BFS, A-search is complete. If the heuristic function is admissible, which in this case means that the shortest path heuristic is always less than or equal to the true shortest path via nodes, then A-search is also optimal. In the worst case, the time complexity of A-search is . However, similarly to greedy best-first search, A-search’s performance can be improved largely by using a well-designed heuristic function. The space complexity of A-search is similar to its time complexity.
Fundamentally, A-search is an improved version of greedy best-first search. A-search fixes the problem of the greedy best-first search while still maintaining the advantage of informed search.