• Parametric classifiers and regressors:
    • Perceptron
    • Support vector machines
      • Including kernel support vector machines
    • Artificial neurons, including logistic regression
    • Neural networks and deep learning
      • Including convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks
    • LDA and Fischer’s discriminant classifiers
    • Conditional and Markovian random fields (for structures or sequences)
    • Hidden markov model (for structures or sequences)
    • Direct model regressors, including linear regression, and quadratic regression.
  • Non-parametric Classifiers
    • KNN
    • Decision tree
    • Random Forest
    • Random Fern
    • Maximum A Posteriori methods
      • Especially the naive Bayes classifier
  • Pattern Discovery and Clustering
    • Partial Component Analysis
    • Independent component analysis
    • Neural networks and deep learning
      • Specifically deep belief networks
    • Hierarchical clustering
    • Expectation-Maximization
    • K-means (sometimes included in EM)
    • Mean shift
  • Generative
    • Neural networks and deep learning
    • Especially deep belief networks and generative adversarial networks
    • Hidden Markov Models
    • Conditional and markovian random fields

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