
In Artificial Intelligence, the graph search algorithms are widely used for problems such as finding the shortest path in a graph and searching for the best strategy.

It's a multi-part series in which I am planning to cover the following:

  1. What is graph search algorithm
  2. Graphs and Trees
  3. Branching Factor
  4. Complete and Optimal
  5. What is breadth-first search
  6. The property of breadth-first search
  7. What is depth-first search
  8. The property of depth-first search
  9. What is uniform-cost search
  10. The property of uniform-cost search
  11. What is depth-limited search
  12. The property of uniform-cost search
  13. What is iterative deepening search
  14. The property of iterative deepening search
  15. What is bidirectional search
  16. The property of bidirectional search

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